Posts tagged persimmon
Christmas Tree Farms & Climate Change: A Permaculture Perspective

Our Christmas tree agroforestry system is designed to mimic natural forest succession, with shade tolerant fir and spruce growing up to replace a deciduous overstory - except here, that succession will be kept in check through coppicing. In this system, three tiers of income streams are achievable on a single piece of land, with much higher potential for supporting native biodiversity in the process.

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Exploring North America's Oldest Food Forest

Anyone who cares about our ability to grow food in the next 100 years should know about this place. The oldest food forest in North America shows us both where we have come from, and where we need to go if we want to thrive in an uncertain future.

If we want to create an abundant perennial agricultural system for our region that requires almost no maintenance and can withstand the worst projections for climate change in the next century, these trees are the answer.

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